Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Candy Cane Coffee from NSLC

Here's a recipe and a video for making Candy Cane Coffee. It's from the NSLC website. There are lots of other great drink recipes at the link below.

Candy Cane Coffee

Last Minute Recipe Ideas

Need some last minute food and gift ideas for the holidays. Here are some great ones from the good folks at Better Homes and Gardens. Click on the link below.

Better Homes and Gardens

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ukulele Boy does the Beatles - Obladi Oblada

Ironman 2 Trailer

Are you an Ironman fan? Here is link to the next one, check it out at the link below.

Ironman2 trailer

100 Greatest hits of You Tube in 3 minutes

Click on the link below to see the top You Tube videos of the year.

100 Greatest hits of You Tube in 3 minutes

Wanted now Sculpture Teams


Annual national competition in Canada’s Capital Region

seeks representatives from Nova Scotia

Canada’s Capital Region ¾ The National Capital Commission (NCC) is seeking applications from teams from Nova Scotia to represent their province in Winterlude 2010’s National Snow Sculpture Competition in Canada’s Capital. Teams compete for awards and prizes with a total value of $10,500. The deadline to submit applications has been extended to Thursday, December 31, 2009.

To date Nova Scotia is not represented in the annual competition that sees teams of up to three members from each province and territory transform blocks of snow measuring

3.7 m wide x 3.7 m deep x 4.9 m high (12 feet x 12 feet x 16 feet) into works of art. The theme for this year’s competition is “Winter Fun!” Each participating team will be asked to create a work of art that represents the joys and excitement that winter brings to Canadians each year — including physical and sporting activities, games, and traditions.

The competition will take place from February 9 to 13, 2010, in Canada’s Capital Region. Transportation, accommodation and meals are provided to participating snow sculpting team members. The brochure and application form are available on the NCC’s website on the Sun Life Snowflake Kingdom page.

Teams interested in competing or seeking more information are encouraged to contact Lyne Bérard, Program Assistant, National Snow Sculpture Competition, at 613-239-5058 or lyne.berard@ncc-ccn.ca, as soon as possible.

The 32nd edition of Winterlude will take place from February 5 to 21, 2010. Each year, this family-oriented event attracts more than 600,000 visitors to Canada’s Capital Region. For further information, members of the public may visit Winterlude.gc.ca.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Now there's scientific evidence to back up the universal belief among women that a man with a cold is just a big whining baby. According to a report in WebMD, researchers at England's University of Glasgow studied nearly 1,700 people and found that men are more likely than women to overrate their common cold symptoms. The researchers theorize that men and women have different thresholds for perceiving and reporting symptoms, rather than actual differences in symptoms. Meaning, women take a couple of pills and go about their business. Men stay in bed groaning and moaning a lot while insisting that they are surely dying.

Please take a moment to check out the video below, it will make you chuckle.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Speaking of Buying for your Pet at Christmas

Jann Arden's teeny-weenie dog 'Midi' just got herself new boots and well, they were made for walking but I don't think she's convinced...

Ukulele Boy

Matt and Deb played a portion of this on their show and it was so cute and impressive I had to post it!

Samantha Robichaud

Samantha Robichaud's story has touched the hearts of Nova Scotians.

Samantha is the 14 year old girl featured on the front page of the Sunday Herald.

She has bone cancer, the same type Terry Fox had,and a very tough fight ahead of her.

But it's the struggles she has already faced that has made her story so sad.

Her stepfather is her primary caregiver.

Money is tight and Samantha has taken the bus to the city by her self to receive treatment.

And she only has a grade six education because she has often had to stay home to care for her siblings.

Samantha' stepdad, Garnet Thacker, tells CTV the attention she has received since her story ran in the paper has been good for her.

Those wishing to support Samantha may send donations to a bank account that’s been set up at the RBC branch at the Halifax Shopping Centre. The account number is 03353 5208454 and is in the name ITF Samantha Robichaud.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Top Fail Moments of 2009

--And here are the Top Fail Moments . . .

#1.) Kanye West's Outburst at the "Video Music Awards" 37%

#2.) Bolivian Newscast Airs "Lost" scene as Flight 447's Last Moments 13%

(--Yes, this actually happened. Check out video of this FAIL here . . .)


#3.) Richard Heene's Balloon Boy Hoax 11%

#4.) Photo Opportunity for Air Force One Mistaken for Terrorist Attack 8%

#5.) Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Tries to Sell Obama's Senate Seat 7%

#6.) Northwest Flight to Minneapolis Overshoots Airport by 150 Miles 7%

#7.) Gordon Brown's Handshake Fail 4%

#8.) Christian Bale's Freakout on "Terminator" Set 3%

#9.) South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Affair with Argentinean 3%

#10.) White House Crashers Michaele and Tarez Salahi 2%

The lastest little addition to The Halifax Rainmen!

Here is the latest "little" player to join the Halifax Rainmen.
Shagari Alleyne is 7'3'' from Bronx, NY.
Stefanie, the office administrator is 5'(and is wearing 3" heels).

WOW!!! Just in case you are wondering, he wears a size 22 shoe!!

Sex and the City 2

Here is the the teaser poster for the upcoming Sex and the City movie sequel.
The movie hits theaters on May 28th of 2010.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Now here's a way to decorate for Christmas!!

Thanks to Neville for sending us this photo!

Lamb lollipops seared with Dijon and roasted garlic and finished with a Rickards Dark and maple au jus

Tasting Notes: the strength of character in Rickards Dark pairs very well with flavourful proteins like lamb. The Dijon maple glaze matches the sweet finish of this maple porter.

Ingredients: makes 14-16 appetizer pieces

2 frenched racks of lamb – trimmed clean to the bone- each cut into 7-8 chops (lollipops)

2 whole bulbs of garlic

3 tbsp EVO (Extra Virgin Olive oil)

3 tbsp aged balsamic

2 tbsp Dijon mustard

3 tbsp maple syrup

½ cup Rickards Dark

Salt and pepper to season


· Pre heat oven to 425 F

· Cut the tops of the garlic bulbs – drizzle with 1 tbsp of the oil – wrap in foil and roast for 20 minutes, remove garlic from husk and mash to a paste

· Season the lamb with salt and pepper, then mash some of the garlic on each lollipop

· Sear the lamb on high heat both sides, cooking for about 2 minutes per side, remove and keep warm under foil

· Deglaze the pan with the Rickards Dark – scrape up any bits that may be present

· Add the Dijon, maple and balsamic – reduce heat to medium and cook down until the liquid forms a light glaze.

· Brush lamb with glaze and serve as finger food for your next party with a cold pint of Distinction – Rickards Dark!

Thanks to Chef Richard for joining us on the air this morning and providing these wonderful recipes...

Chef Richard Julien
Owner and Culinary Entertainer
902 448 0855

Caramelized Brie and Walnuts

Caramelized Brie and Walnuts


1 (8 oz.) round Brie
2 tbsp. Brown sugar
1/4 c. walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped


Remove top rind from Brie. Cut cheese into 6 wedges; place on lightly greased baking sheet Sprinkle cheese with brown sugar & walnuts. Bake at 450 for 5 minutes or just until soft and a little bubbly.

Serve immediately with festive crackers, apple and pear slices

6 servings

Rihanna's new tattoo!

Monday night Rihanna paid a visit to one of her favorite New York City tattoo parlors, East Side Ink, to add another tattoo to her ever growing collection.

So what did RiRi get?

‘Never a failure, always a lesson,’ but written backwards" so she could read it in the mirror.

Rihanna says ‘It’s kind of my motto in life for everything.’ Instead of considering things to be mistakes, considering them lessons.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lady Ga Ga meets the Queen

In a Elizabethan-style dress and with her eyes painted red, Lady GaGa met the Queen last night... after TONING DOWN her act.

And, to be fair, the controversial pop star did try pretty hard to observe a bit of royal protocol.

There were no wardrobe malfunctions as she ditched her usual skimpy outfits for a cover-all outfit - even if it was scarlet and plastic.

And she also dropped her distinctly unregal "suicide act" in which she pretends to stab herself and is covered in fake blood.

Although on that one she didn't have much choice after being officially BANNED from performing it in front of the Queen.

So all in all it turned out to be a relatively tame Royal Variety Performance in Blackpool as the 23-year-old New Yorker graciously accepted a crash course in etiquette before being allowed to shake hands with Her Majesty.

A source said: "She was told to say Ma'am... and not to speak until she was spoken to."

Source: The Mirror

Monday, December 7, 2009

Now here's a Christmas Gift!!

We received this e-mail and this photo this morning from Jackie:

Good Morning,
I heard you talking earlier about giving gift cards / cash to your significant other for Christmas. I thought I would send this along. This picture is one of the presents I received from my significant other last Christmas. I thought it was quite creative he wrapped it himself, even curled the ribbons, and the fifty was the card. Needless to say I was very careful when I unwrapped this gift.

I copied the picture from my Facebook page so hopefully you can open it.

Have a great Christmas

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Santa Claus Blog

Who knew? Santa Claus has a blog. Learn 100 things about him here ...

And keep checking back because he's doing regular updates.

Santa Claus Blog

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Justice, the HR Police Horse Passes Away

We received this email Wednesday morning from Halifax Regional Police

For Immediate Release
Halifax Regional Police
Media Release
December 2, 2009 (9:40 a.m.)

Justice the Police Horse (Retired) Passes Away

Halifax Regional Police is saddened to announce the recent passing of
its retired police horse, Justice the Protector. He served with Halifax
Regional Police from 1993 to 2006, and had five different riders. He was
retired on July 1, 2006 at HRM’s Canada Day celebrations and was
adopted by a loving family who provided a home for him for the past
three years.

Justice was very community-minded over the years. He led the region’s
Natal Day Parade for 12 years, participated in the Children’s Wish
Foundation Parade and the Apple Blossom Parade as well as the Run for
the Cure, Terry Fox Run, Kermesse, Special Olympics, Law Enforcement
Torch Run and, of course, Police Week.

He also did segments on television for Court TV, Careers Television and
Beyond the Badge, but was most famous for being photographed as he
sauntered through the McDonald’s drive-thru for a refreshing treat of
ice cream!

Justice helped to keep the streets of HRM safe for over a decade, with
his riders issuing tickets under the Liquor Control Act and Motor
Vehicle Act. Overall, he was a true asset to Halifax Regional Police and
provided a great service to the citizens of HRM.

Justice, who was 23-years-old, passed away last month due to health



Unsuspecting riders get a treat!!!

A very creative way to create breast cancer awareness.

Here is an e-mail we were forwarded and wanted to share with you....

Our daughter-in-law, Emily (MacInnes) Somers, created, directed and choreographed this in Portland, Oregon last week for her Medline glove division as a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. This was all her idea to help promote their new pink gloves. I don't know how she got so many employees, doctors and patients to participate, but it started to really catch on and they all had a lot of fun doing it.

When the video gets 1 million hits, Medline will be making a huge contribution to the hospital, as well as offering free mammograms for the community. Please check it out. It's an easy and great way to donate to a wonderful cause, and who hasn't been touched by breast cancer?


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Impressive Light Display

Right here in the HRM there is a light display set to music that is very impressive.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Productive Time Wasters

I've always loved cuff links on a man (call me old school) and THESE are both adding the classy touch but in a SUPER CLEVER WAY that'll have the men on your list squealing like 12 year old girls watching New Moon!

The eyeBROWS really do have it... tips on celebrity eyebrow-grooming found HERE.

From somewhat productive, to totally wasteful of your time but hopefully entertaining nonetheless....

A vid of Today's hottest male stars and their 'man crushes'....see it for yourself HERE. ( all are interesting save for Stephen Baldwin whose man crush is quite frankly odd).

And since New Moon is still raking it in by epic proportions: here's a little spoofy vid from my fav site evah: funnyordie.com


Mary Jo Coady lives in Methuen, Massachusetts (--about 40 miles north of Boston). Last week, she was ironing some clothes when she noticed some residue on the bottom of the iron that vaguely resembles the image of JESUS CHRIST.

Tree Lighting Recap

If you were unable to attend the Tree Lighting Ceremony on Saturday Night in the Grand Parade, here are the highlights.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Where Did the Dollar Go?

"Have you ever heard about the three men that were out on the town? After having consumed more drink than they should, they decided to wear it off by staying overnight in a hotel. The desk clerk charged them $30.00 for the room. Shortly afterwards the desk clerk realized that he had overcharged the three men by $5.00. He calls the Bell Boy over, gives him the $5.00 and explains to him that he had overcharged the three men and asked him to go up and give them the $5.00. On his way up, the Bell Boy thinks they will be happy to get a refund so why don't I give them each $1.00. They will be happy and I will have picked up $2.00. But when he does that and gives each man $1.00, that means they only paid $9.00 each for the room, which is a total of $27.00; plus the $2.00 the Bell Boy pocketed is a total of $29.00. But they gave the desk clerk $30.00! Where did the extra $1.00 go??"


This is sort of a trick question, but it usually takes people a surprisingly long time to get it. The trick is the word "plus". In reality, the $2 should be subtracted from (not added to) the $27 to get $25 paid for the room. There is no missing dollar.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bust A Move

Bust a Move for Breast Health represents an opportunity to make a big difference in our small corner of the world. Opportunities like that don't come along every day.

Up to 1,000 men and women will unite at the Halifax Metro Centre
for six hours of movin' and groovin' exercise.

It will be a truly unique and memorable day, complete with heart-thumping music, inspiring testimonials and the setting of two world records!

If you haven't already signed up to participate in Bust a Move, please join us on Thursday, November 26th for a Bust a Move Participant Rally.

There will be fabulous door prizes, brief presentations about exciting aspects of the event (such as the special appearance by fitness guru Richard Simmons!), and of course snacks and refreshments for all.

Find out what makes Bust a Move such an amazing opportunity to unite in support of world class breast health services, and then make your commitment to get involved!

Thursday, November 26th at 6:30 p.m.
Windsor Room, Prince George Hotel
1725 Market Street, Halifax
Please RSVP to jill@bustamove.ca by Wednesday, November 25th

Get all the details about Bust A Move at the following link.

Bust A Move text

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Serena Ryder in People

She's in People magazine this week and she's in concert in Halifax this week. The show is sold out, but listen to C100 this week to see a private Serena Ryder performance at the C100 studios this Saturday afternoon before heading out to the sold out show.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh My Decorative Gourds!

For MOYA and the Rob Thomas fans.....he tweeted this link Tuesday night and it's pretty funny! Note: WATCH IN HD (it seems to work best viewed in HD)

Enjoy my lovelies!!!


and ah, you're welcome......ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Think twice before texting while driving!!



This week, a watchdog group called World Against Toys Causing Harm . . . also known as "WATCH" . . . released its annual list of the Ten Most Dangerous Toys of the Year. Check it out:

#1.) Disney Pixar Wall-E Foam Rocket Launcher: This is an air-pressured tube launcher that can shoot a foam rocket up to 20 feet. It's been flagged for its "potential for eye and other impact injuries."

#2.) Moon Board Pogo Board: This is a cross between a skateboard and a pogo stick. It's been flagged for its "potential for head and impact injuries."

#3.) "Curious Baby Curious George Counting: My First Book of Numbers": This is a book for newborns with lots of small, moving pieces. It's been flagged for its "potential for choking injuries."

#4.) The Dark Knight Batman Figure: This one's been flagged for its "potential for blunt impact and penetration injuries."

#5.) X-Men Origins Slashin' Action Wolverine: And this one's been flagged for its "potential for eye and other impact injuries."

#6.) Lots to Love Babies "Mini Nursery": This is a miniature doll that comes with its own bathtub, and lots of other tiny pieces. It's been flagged for its "potential for choking injuries."

#7.) Just Kidz Junior Musical Instruments: This is a music set with lots of small pieces for kids as young as 18 months. It's also been flagged for its "potential for choking injuries."

#8.) CAT "Rugged Mini": This is a toy bulldozer with a three-inch metal rod for an axle. It's been flagged for its "potential for puncture wound injuries."

#9.) Pucci Pups Maltese: This is a plush puppy that comes with its own leash. It's been flagged for its "potential for strangulation and aspiration injuries."

#10.) Spy Gear Viper Blaster: This is a toy blaster that shoots plastic darts. It's been flagged for its "potential for eye injuries."

Monday, November 23, 2009


On Friday, Oprah Winfrey announced that she will end her talk show run on Sept. 9, 2011.

E! Online has put together a list of The Nine Top "Oprah" Moments. The list spans the show's history . . . although most of them were pulled from the last few years.

--Naturally, it includes TOM CRUISE'S couch-jumping episode . . . the "Everybody Gets a Car!" insanity . . . and the scandal surrounding fake memoir writer JAMES FREY. (--You can find the list, which includes videos of each moment, here . . .)

the 9 best Oprah moments

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Moya carries the Olympic Flame

Here are a few photo's of the Torch Run in Bridgewater last night. Thanks to all the people who came out, phoned me, e-mailed me and for all the good wishes, I am still smiling!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

IWK Foundations "Give Like You Mean It" 2010 Calendar

Halifax photographer Sue Siri has done it again! She has created another beautiful calendar for the IWK. Sue has done this by donating her time and effort to raise money for the hospital. Calendar's are $10 each and are available at RBC locations across the Maritimes. Show your support and buy a calendar.

Find out all about this beautiful calendar right here.

Sidney Crosby carries the torch.

Check out the Pittsburg Penguins coverage of Sidney Crosby carrying the Olympic torch last night in Halifax.

Pittsburg Penguins Wegsite Link

Follow the torch

Can't get out to see the torch run? Follow it live here by clicking on the link below.

Follow the Torch here

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

100 sexy men in 1 minute....

Here are who were chosen in 2009 as the sexiest men, take a look, it will only take a minute.

People's Sexiest Men

Nova Scotia Chruch Headed for Louisiana

A historic Nova Scotia church is about to be reborn in another country.

The 200-year-old All Saints Anglican Church in Granville Centre, Annapolis County, is being dismantled and will be trucked to Louisiana, where it will be resurrected as a Baptist church.

It will replace a church destroyed during hurricane Katrina.

Beyonce's new song Video featuring Lady Ga Ga

Monday, November 16, 2009

Conan O'Brien gets "Screeched In".

Conan O'Brien gets to kiss the cod....
Check it out.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

U of Montreal FUN VIDEO

Perez Hilton posted THIS LINK of a video created by a bunch of students at University of Montreal. While they all look they are having fun, there must have been a serious amount of organization involved as it appears the whole thing was shot in one continuous stream.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Help Send These Kids to the World Juniors

The Dartmouth Whalers Novice Intermediate hockey team, coached by Ray Boudreau, is looking for your votes to help send them to the World Junior Hockey Championships this December 27, 28 and 29.

The Tim-BR MART World Junior Hockey Video Challenge offers hockey teams a chance to win a trip to Saskatoon to attend the event. To enter, teams make a video and upload it on the contest website – then promote it for votes.

When hockey Dad, Craig Moore was told of the opportunity, he thought it was a way he could contribute to his son’s hockey experience saying, “I can’t skate but I can make videos.” Moore operates Spider Video, a Halifax-based video production company specializing in web-based video.

Boudreau, who also has a son on the team, thought the video contest, win or loose was a great opportunity for his players saying, “Developing hockey players is not just about skill development but also building a team approach to the game.” He adds, “Making the video was a fun experience and they all feel really proud about what they accomplished.”

The team is looking to their community to get behind them by voting for their video, Moore says, “We only have until November 21, when the contest closes, to generate votes so we’re hoping everyone will get behind “The Future of Hockey” and vote as much as possible.” Individual IP addresses can vote once every four hours and voters must select “five stars” to generate the highest possible rating.

You can see the video and vote for the kids by clicking on the link below.

Dartmouth Whalers Video

Let's send the kids to the world juniors


What do Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle-Me Elmo and the Furby all have in common?

--At one point or another, they were all must-have holiday gifts . . . and it was almost impossible to get your hands on them.

--Well, this year's must-have holiday toy seems to be something called Zhu Zhu Pets. Basically, they're little, motorized hamsters that zoom around a hamster "funhouse," complete with slides, ramps and tunnels. (???)

(--If you need a visual demonstration, check out an ad for Zhu Zhu Pets here . . .)


--Anyway, Zhu Zhu Pets were first released last month and they've been flying off the shelves. It's gotten to the point that the Zhu Zhu Pets, which sell for $8 at Wal-Mart, are fetching as much as $30 when resold on Amazon.com.


This is very cute...

It's actually a salsa-dancing dog that's become all the rave on Spanish network Univision.

Link text

Monday, November 9, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

Dear Breakfast Club,

My wife and I need some help settling a dispute that has been bothering us for a while now and we've both decided we'll go with whatever decission the majority of your listeners decide.

Here it goes: our 28-year-old daughter has been away from home for five years, and my wife and I do what we can to support her.

She has a steady job . . . but we give her money when she needs it . . . and on top of that, we're still paying her car insurance.

We're happy to help her, but we know she wastes a lot of her money when she goes out with her friends.

Here's the question. At what age should you cut off your kids financially? Is our daughter too old for her parents to still be helping her?

She's on vacation and out of the city and the radio this week so we're hoping you'll read our letter while she can't hear it.


The Parents

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cosmetics in your Kitchen

Here are a few insights to beauty that our ancestors probably used daily. You have a health spa right in your kitchen:

Coffee- Brunettes and red heads- final rinse your hair with black coffee, leave it on. You'll love the shine.

Cornmeal- Mix half a cup of cornmeal and one tablespoon of salt. It's an excellent dry shampoo. Sprinkle it in your hair and brush out the dirt and oil.

Lemon Juice- Dry up a blemish- a little dab will do a few times a day.

Nails- Mix half cup of lemon juice and one cup of warm water. Soak for about five minutes. Rinse, pat dry, and then rub a little piece of the peel across your nails and buff.

Strawberries- Mash them up and brush your teeth. They remove yellowing and stains.

Vinegar- Add apple cider vinegar to warm water in a spray bottle. Spray your face once a day. It restores the ph balance.

Petroleum jelly- While your face is wet add a little of this and keep adding water until your face is covered. Adding water makes it non-greasy.

Oatmeal- Use equal amounts of dry oatmeal and water. Make a paste. Apply it to your face. When it feels tight and dry, rub it off, and then rinse. This removes dead skin and blackheads.

Cream Deodorant- Mix together: two teaspoons of baking soda, two teaspoons petroleum jelly and two teaspoons of talcum powder. Mix and heat in double boiler until a smooth cream forms. Place finished cream in an airtight jar.

Bread and Milk- Soak a piece of bread in milk and put it on your blemishes at night with a band-aid. They will be gone by morning.

Can you add any not mentioned here? Post it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

For your Kid or the KID IN YOU!

Whether it's for your child's entertainment for the first time or your time to relive being a children, below are two links sure to catch your attention....



Rihanna on the cover of this month's Glamour Magazine.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Keanu: Vampire or Immortal?!!!!

Guy really doesn't show his age, so this video is pretty funny and well-researched!




From adventurous, rebellious fall styles to updating the classics in your wardrobe, here's Glamour's list of Do's and Don'ts for fall fashion trends:


Try a softer take on the biker-babe look. Bomber jackets and motorcycle boots are everywhere this fall. But unless you own a Harley, skip the head-to-toe leather.
Try over-the-knee boots. Thigh-high boots are back and are a total DO, as long as you don't pair them with a teeny mini skirt. Pull 'em over jeans instead.
Embrace the season's hot colors. Swap out your dark winter coat for a bright color.
Go monotone. Wearing one color head-to-toe gives the illusion of being taller.
Do mix your prints. Mix patterned basics and wear with simple black tights.


Pair boxy pants with a baggy top. You can wear boxy pants, but match them with a pair of heels and slim-fitting, tucked-in top. Don't go baggy all over!
Overdo the neon. Keep it simple and don't wear neons with other bright shades.

Oprah devoted her entire show yesterday to Fall Fashion. There were many interventions check it out at her website.

Oprah Link

Walmart Canada's top 10 toys for the 2009 holiday season

Top 10 Toys for 2009

Walmart Canada's top 10 toys for the 2009 holiday season:

Woopsie Poopsie

Transformers Deluxe

Raider Nerf Strike

Monopoly City

Liv Dolls

Lego Millenium Falcons

Buzz Lightyear

Bakugan 7 in 1 Combine

Zero Gravity Laser

Rocky the Robot

Cats Boxing

Some college students have a lot of spare time, they videotaped two cats fighting and set it to boxing sound effects.
It's harmless and cute....

Cats Boxing

Madonna and Lady Ga Ga on Saturday Night Live

Last weekend, Saturday Night Live aired a re-run of the Ryan Reynolds-hosted episode from last month, which featured a joint cameo by Lady Gaga and Madonna. Rather than air the duo's original sketch, Gawker.com reports that the show went with the dress rehearsal footage, which they called "funnier" and "racier." Check it out:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Empire Theatres Flash Mob

This happened over the weekend at Empire Threatres in St. John's Newfoundland.

The Worst Spouse?

Here's a letter from Anonymous

I’m the worst spouse. I’ve been feeling badly lately, my wife doesn’t stop from morning ‘til night. She’s busy in the morning getting the kids up and fed and ready for school, gets herself ready for work, works all day and then comes home, makes dinner, cleans up, helps the kids with homework and works around the house until she falls into bed. She’s busy every moment it seems. I on the other hand have trouble taking care of myself. I watch sports all weekend and during the week I’m done after a days work….. I don’t know why she puts up with me.

What's the worst thing you do as a spouse?

Ellen Pranks Taylor Swift

Taylor is a good sport when Ellen frightens her half to death!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Moya, Moya and Moya broadcasting live from Glow Parties this morning until 9am.

Moya, Moya and Moya's favourite on air friend - Moya (Neville) drops by to say hi!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Could you eat this?

Gruesome Meatloaf...

Saturday is Halloween, and we were thinking that before you take the kids out trick-or-treating, you might want to feed them a delicious, Halloween-themed meal. Well, we've got one for you . . .

--It's called Meat Hands. And as gruesome as the name makes it sound, it's really just meatloaf that's been shaped to look like a severed hand . . . complete with onion slices for the wrist bone and fingernails.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Michael Jackson's Ghost

Just in time for Halloween, here's the video of Michael Jackson's ghost that scared the pants off of Moya!

Michael Jackson's Childhood Home

Thanks to C100 listener, Barbara Gavin, who took these photos of Michael Jackson's childhood home in Gary, Indiana. The family moved when Michael was 10.
How did they all fit in there? Look at how tiny it was!

New album' s coming out very soon...

ADAM LAMBERT has released the cover art for his debut album, "For Your Entertainment" it comes out Nov. 23rd/09

RIHANNA has released the cover image for her upcoming album, "Rated R". And somewhat surprisingly, considering the album title, it's really NOT provocative at all. Rihanna's album comes out on the same day, Nov. 23rd.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

H1N1 vaccine information

Click on the link below to find out what you need to know about the H1N1 vaccination clinics in your area.

Or call 811 Healthlink

Nova Scotia Government link

Trivial Pursuit Battle of the Sexes

Trivial Pursuit has launched a "battle of the sexes" experiment online to see if men or women are better at the game. Go to the site through the link below, enter your sex and each time you get a question correct you gain a point for your team. The website tracks the number of unique users and keeps a running tally of the scores, which are displayed at the top of the page.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Peter Harrison when he had hair!

You asked for it, now here it is, this is Peter from about 25 years ago.
Way back when he had hair.