So funny, can you imagine trying to memorize all of that?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Canada vs America

If you are or know someone who doesn't have TV access during the game, remember it's available LIVE online HERE
Friday, February 26, 2010
Do you think this cover should be banned?
According to Perez the most recent issue of Q magazine with Gaga on the cover has reportedly been banned from a lot of shops in the U.S including Borders book stores. They are refusing to stock the issue unless Gaga's breast is covered up entirely or the magazine is sealed in a protective bag. What do you think? Is this too risque?

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Gotta love a scale with no numbers!
Moya here, I want this new scale in my bathroom, it has no numbers and it will tell us we are "hot", "sexy", "your fit"!!! Now that's the way to start the day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
This is just GLEE-ky!

Deb Smith, Adam Marriott and myself are HUGE GLEEKS. Like, offense to all the Idol fans but AI can't wrap up soon enough, 'cause this girl needs herself some NEW GLEE!
If you are pining for the BEST ensemble comedy with kick-butt music on the telly, then here's a little slice of promo heaven.... DIVE IN HERE.
Adam here, and as much as I love Glee, I love American Idol too. You're terrible Muriel!!!! Don't be dissin' my AI!
Sumptin 2 Tweet 'bout!!!

Liked THIS article about how Twitter has changed a few Canadians lives in really surprising ways..... like Halifax tweeter Jason Sweeney (IT professional from Dalhousie). And I agree with Jason's tweet: 'Whenever some one says "I'll say this ONE TIME..." they will say it more than one time."
Mayor Peter Kelly & Africville
Video posted to Twitter by Councillor Dawn Sloane
Dog Having Dinner
We laughed until we cried...and then we laughed some more!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Jesus In a Frying Pan?

British bank cashier Toby Elles believes he has found Jesus in his frying pan. Toby swears the image really appeared after he burnt a pancake he was making last week in his apartment and accidentally left the pan on. Toby woke in the middle of the night to find the pancake smoking and threw the pan into a sink of cold water. The next morning Toby found the face of Jesus burned into the pan.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Brokaw explains Canada to the US
Tom Brokaw made me SUPER proud to be a Canuck after watching this piece...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
What happened in the year you were born?

Are you curious what happened in the year you were born? Just punch in the year and watch the results.
What happened in your birth year?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Riley is 6 and he has leukemia, take a listen to an amazing boy and family.
Riley Griffin is a very bright six-year-old from Halifax. The budding scientist learned a lot about blood cells during his stay at the IWK.
That’s because Riley had leukemia, and his care team was able to teach him about his illness, and his own treatment, through the use of special toys and tools.
As you’re about to hear from Riley’s mom, Wendy, when a child receives a diagnosis such as leukemia, the resulting treatment is about far more than just cancer.
Thanks Riley and Wendy. The number again, 1-800-595-2266 or visit to make an online donation now.
We are looking for new members of the IWK Superstar program – monthly donors who want to ensure the IWK receives funding above and beyond what the government can provide. The IWK – and children like Riley – need your help.
Speaking of above and beyond, we heard Riley’s mom, Wendy, mention that Riley was shown his own bone marrow in the lab, so he could better understand why he was having blood drawn so often.
That, without a doubt, is the type of “above and beyond” patients receive each day at the IWK. It is part of the magic of this place, and it is why so many Maritime families say they actually LOVE it here. Ironic, isn’t it, that people LOVE a hospital?
That’s because Riley had leukemia, and his care team was able to teach him about his illness, and his own treatment, through the use of special toys and tools.
As you’re about to hear from Riley’s mom, Wendy, when a child receives a diagnosis such as leukemia, the resulting treatment is about far more than just cancer.
Thanks Riley and Wendy. The number again, 1-800-595-2266 or visit to make an online donation now.
We are looking for new members of the IWK Superstar program – monthly donors who want to ensure the IWK receives funding above and beyond what the government can provide. The IWK – and children like Riley – need your help.
Speaking of above and beyond, we heard Riley’s mom, Wendy, mention that Riley was shown his own bone marrow in the lab, so he could better understand why he was having blood drawn so often.
That, without a doubt, is the type of “above and beyond” patients receive each day at the IWK. It is part of the magic of this place, and it is why so many Maritime families say they actually LOVE it here. Ironic, isn’t it, that people LOVE a hospital?
Imagine your child waking up with arthritis, Nile Whidden did. Take a listen.
Nile Whidden lives in pain almost every day of his life.
He has Juvenile Ideopathic Arthritis, or JIA, which causes swelling and pain in the knees, ankles, wrists and other joints.
Nile and his family agreed to let us tag along during a recent check up here at the IWK.
Here’s what that sounded like:
A big thanks to the Whidden family for allowing us to be there with them during some private moments with caregivers.
We heard Nile’s dad Jamie say how terrible it feels to watch his child suffer.
None of us want any child to suffer, and that’s why we’re here, to do our small part to take away that pain for kids like Nile.
Please take a moment to call or log on and become an IWK Superstar for these kids – send them the message that you believe in them, and want them to be pain free.
He has Juvenile Ideopathic Arthritis, or JIA, which causes swelling and pain in the knees, ankles, wrists and other joints.
Nile and his family agreed to let us tag along during a recent check up here at the IWK.
Here’s what that sounded like:
A big thanks to the Whidden family for allowing us to be there with them during some private moments with caregivers.
We heard Nile’s dad Jamie say how terrible it feels to watch his child suffer.
None of us want any child to suffer, and that’s why we’re here, to do our small part to take away that pain for kids like Nile.
Please take a moment to call or log on and become an IWK Superstar for these kids – send them the message that you believe in them, and want them to be pain free.
All about Four-month-old Lily Frittenburg
Four-month-old Lily Frittenburg is getting a lot of attention at the IWK.
She was born with an extremely rare skin disorder known as Incontinentia Pigmenti, or IP.
The condition causes painful blisters on her arms and legs but can also affect her eyes, teeth and her brain among other things.
We met Lily and her parents at the Perinatal Follow up clinic recently, where several caregivers were lined up to see Lily for the first time.
Here’s what that sounded like:
You heard Lily’s Dad, Andy, mention they’ll be back for eye tests on the 19th – we’re hoping to see the Frittenburgs on Friday to find out how that went.
We also heard Dr. Stinston in that piece mention that Lily’s skin condition is a lifelong condition. That means that while Lily has just started her IWK journey, she will be visiting specialists here for the next 18 years!
If you become an IWK Superstar today, you are helping to support Lily, and hundreds of children like her, who will require highly specialized care over a longer period of time.
Please make that call and provide the ongoing support the IWK depends on.
She was born with an extremely rare skin disorder known as Incontinentia Pigmenti, or IP.
The condition causes painful blisters on her arms and legs but can also affect her eyes, teeth and her brain among other things.
We met Lily and her parents at the Perinatal Follow up clinic recently, where several caregivers were lined up to see Lily for the first time.
Here’s what that sounded like:
You heard Lily’s Dad, Andy, mention they’ll be back for eye tests on the 19th – we’re hoping to see the Frittenburgs on Friday to find out how that went.
We also heard Dr. Stinston in that piece mention that Lily’s skin condition is a lifelong condition. That means that while Lily has just started her IWK journey, she will be visiting specialists here for the next 18 years!
If you become an IWK Superstar today, you are helping to support Lily, and hundreds of children like her, who will require highly specialized care over a longer period of time.
Please make that call and provide the ongoing support the IWK depends on.
Have you ever heard of OCD? Jennifer Parlee is living with it, find out more here.
Jennifer Parlee was in grade 9 or 10 when she started having consuming thoughts and developed repetitive behaviour.
She didn’t talk about it with anybody, including her parents.
But her anxiety around her thoughts became so problematic, Jennifer realized she needed to tell somebody, and get help.
Jennifer’s story is quite remarkable – and she does a great job of describing what it is like to live with her mental illness.
Sadly, there are many other children and teens out there who still need the care she received. That’s why your support is so critical. Become an IWK Superstar and let them know you are here for them.
Also, Jennifer has written a blog about her experiences, you can read it at the following link:
Jennifer's blog
She didn’t talk about it with anybody, including her parents.
But her anxiety around her thoughts became so problematic, Jennifer realized she needed to tell somebody, and get help.
Jennifer’s story is quite remarkable – and she does a great job of describing what it is like to live with her mental illness.
Sadly, there are many other children and teens out there who still need the care she received. That’s why your support is so critical. Become an IWK Superstar and let them know you are here for them.
Also, Jennifer has written a blog about her experiences, you can read it at the following link:
Jennifer's blog
Elizabeth Hardy was only a few months old and needed a new liver!
Three-year-old Elizabeth Hardy can win you over with her smile in seconds.
But her first 3 years have not been easy ones.
When she was just a few months old, her parents learned she needed a new liver.
Here’s Elizabeth’s story:
Little Elizabeth has a new liver and she keeps on smiling.
And like many of the stories we’re hearing, patients like Elizabeth will be followed by the IWK until they are adults.
We want children like Elizabeth to receive the best care – that means state of the art equipment, up-to-date facilities, and of course, the best specialists in the country.
We’re asking for as little as $15 per month – that is only 50 cents a day – so that Elizabeth and her family have the same confidence in the IWK that they have today.
But her first 3 years have not been easy ones.
When she was just a few months old, her parents learned she needed a new liver.
Here’s Elizabeth’s story:
Little Elizabeth has a new liver and she keeps on smiling.
And like many of the stories we’re hearing, patients like Elizabeth will be followed by the IWK until they are adults.
We want children like Elizabeth to receive the best care – that means state of the art equipment, up-to-date facilities, and of course, the best specialists in the country.
We’re asking for as little as $15 per month – that is only 50 cents a day – so that Elizabeth and her family have the same confidence in the IWK that they have today.
Taylor Bailey was born with Cystic Fibrosis and is a regular at the IWK
Taylor Bailey has been an IWK patient her whole life.
She has Cystic Fibrosis, a chronic disease affecting lung function and digestion.
We met up with Taylor in her room up on the 7th floor. She was getting ready to be discharged and return home to Springhill.
Taylor requested to be admitted to the IWK to get what she calls a “tune up”, because she knew her lung function was too low.
And as you’re about to hear, one of the tell-tell signs she is doing better is she can sing again.
Taylor treated us to a song by her all-time favourite artist, Taylor Swift.
Taylor Bailey from Springhill. We also heard Dr. Hughes in that tape – he was checking in on her before she was discharged from the IWK.
It’s patients like Taylor who are here at the IWK for the long term. They return for regular treatments and therapies.
By becoming an IWK Superstar today, you are ensuring patients receive nothing but the best care, each and every time they visit this incredible health centre.
She has Cystic Fibrosis, a chronic disease affecting lung function and digestion.
We met up with Taylor in her room up on the 7th floor. She was getting ready to be discharged and return home to Springhill.
Taylor requested to be admitted to the IWK to get what she calls a “tune up”, because she knew her lung function was too low.
And as you’re about to hear, one of the tell-tell signs she is doing better is she can sing again.
Taylor treated us to a song by her all-time favourite artist, Taylor Swift.
Taylor Bailey from Springhill. We also heard Dr. Hughes in that tape – he was checking in on her before she was discharged from the IWK.
It’s patients like Taylor who are here at the IWK for the long term. They return for regular treatments and therapies.
By becoming an IWK Superstar today, you are ensuring patients receive nothing but the best care, each and every time they visit this incredible health centre.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hey Fellow FACEBOOK-er!

Just save this photo and make it your PROFILE PIC on Facebook, then encourage all your FB friends to do the same thing!
Let's show all those children at the hospital that the power of Facebook can do good for them!
(C100's official FB HERE)
Here is a note from Buddington we wanted to share.
Are You Missing Snow

If you've been missing snow this winter, praying for a snow day for your kids perhaps, we invite you take look at the pictures at this website. They should be enough to take away any longing you may have had for the white stuff.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Anne Murray tweeted this pre-show photo of the illustrious 8 Canadians who graciously carried the Olympic flag....
Julie Payette, Romeo D'Allaire, Jacques Villeneuve, Anne Murray, Bobby Orr, Barbara Ann Scott, Donald Sutherland & Betty Fox
Friday, February 12, 2010
Neville is Filling in for Moya

Here's a picture we just took of our good friend Neville MacKay from My Mother's Bloomers. Neville is filling in for Moya this morning. Make sure you say "Hi".
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
First Betty White, now two DIVAS!

I have always hearted Betty White, so I'm loving the 'love' she has been getting since her appearance in the Snickers Commercial during the Superbowl.
Now: new Snickers commercial with two legendary DIVAS!
Now: new Snickers commercial with two legendary DIVAS!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Congratulations Halifax for Haiti

Joel Plasklett at last night's concert. That's his dad to his left.
Congratulations to the performers, volunteers and organizers of Halifax for Haiti. You raised $135,000 for the people of Haiti
Monday, February 8, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
High Five Superbowl Video
Love the music, cameos (football&tv stars) and pure absurdity of this VIDEO!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Ten Great Super Bowl Commercials
Sunday's Superbowl commercials might make this list someday, but here are some very funny commercials that have made the list of the greatest commercials from past Superbowls.
Ten Great Super Bowl Commercials
Ten Great Super Bowl Commercials
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Friendship of a dog and orangutan
Check out this video to see a dog and an orangutan, who had never seen each other before, become inseperable.
The love of a dog and an orangutan
The love of a dog and an orangutan
Questionable Expenses
Here are some of the expenses the Auditor General thought were excessive:
.$7995 to have generator installed at an MLA's home
. $13,445 for custom made office furniture
•$3,250 for a projector screen and accessories.
•$2,969 for books
•$2,665 for a projector
•$2,600 for a printer
•$1,763 for a video camera
•$790 for a model boat office display
•$738 for an espresso coffee machine
•$750 for a GPS unit
Care to comment?
.$7995 to have generator installed at an MLA's home
. $13,445 for custom made office furniture
•$3,250 for a projector screen and accessories.
•$2,969 for books
•$2,665 for a projector
•$2,600 for a printer
•$1,763 for a video camera
•$790 for a model boat office display
•$738 for an espresso coffee machine
•$750 for a GPS unit
Care to comment?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Items that are highly overpriced!

Today on The Breakfast Club we were talking about things that are overprice like wine in a restaurant, text messages and mini bars in hotel rooms. Can you add to the list? Leave us a comment.
Lady Ga Ga gets a new tattoo for her fans.

Lady GaGa posted this picture of her new tattoo, dedicated to all her fans, affectionately known as her "little monsters".
She writes on her Twitter:
"look what i did last night. little monsters forever, on the arm that holds my mic. xx"
75th Anniversary of Monopoly

In order to celebrate its 75th anniversary, Hasbro announced that they are launching an updated version of the famed Monopoly.
The game, which is due out later this year, will have circular board and the cash will no longer exist. Players will be given a chip and pin credit card. And a central console, similar to a credit machine, will play banker.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Inspiration from PRISON

The innmates at Cebu Provincial Prison (Phillipines) thrilled folks last year with their 'Thriller' video....THIS IS A NEW VID...Moya and I both went all goosebumpy watching this! for yourself
The Bucket List

Here's what we want you to do....copy this list, hit comment, paste the list and mark an "X" by the things you've already done.
Things you have done during your lifetime:
( )Gone on a blind date
( ) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
( ) Been to USA
( ) Been to Mexico
( ) Been to Florida
( ) Been to Hawaii
( ) Been on a helicopter
( ) Been lost
( ) Gone to Washington, DC
( ) Swam in the ocean
( ) Cried yourself to sleep
( ) Played cops and robbers
( ) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang Karaoke
( ) Made prank phone calls
( ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Danced in the rain
( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone
( ) Blown bubbles
( ) Gone to the movies by yourself
( ) Been deep sea fishing
( ) Driven across Canada
( ) Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving
( ) Gone snowmobiling
( ) Lived in more than one country
( ) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
( ) Seen a falling star and made a wish
( ) Been on a cruise
( ) Traveled by train
( ) Traveled by motorcycle
( ) Been horse back riding
( ) Ridden on a San Francisco CABLE CAR
( ) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
( ) Truly believe in the power of prayer
( ) Been in a rain forest
( ) Seen whales in the ocean
( ) Been to Niagara Falls
( ) Ridden or petted an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
( ) Been to the Olympics
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China
( ) Been water-skiing
( ) Been snow skiing
( ) Been snowboarding
( ) Been to Westminster Abbey
( ) Been to the Louvre
( ) Swam in the Mediterranean
( ) Been to an NBA game
( ) Been to a Canadian Football League game
() Been on a TV show
( ) Sang for a meal
( ) Seen Jerusalem
( ) Learned a foreign language
( ) Shot a gun
() Kick Boxed
( ) Gone tubing
( ) Had your heart broken by a failed relationship
( ) Written a book
( ) Gotten in a fist fight
( ) Driven over 160 KPH
( ) Been arrested
( ) Been in a Car accident
( ) Been to the Desert
( ) Been on a Mountain top
( ) Drank from a mountain stream
( ) Spoken publicly
( ) Gotten a Tattoo
( ) Climbed down the outside of a tall building
( )adopted a stray animal
( ) volunteered your time in your community lately
( )Gone to UK
( ) Gone to Ireland
( ) Visited Hollywood
( ) Write a children's book.
( ) Go camping.
( ) Ride a gondola in the Rockies.
( ) Learn how to tap dance.
( )Witness a solar eclipse.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Tuesday is Oscar Nom Day!!!

Oscar nominations will be early, like 9:30-ish our time...
below are links that will be posting the nominations
Oscar's official site
Zap2It might be quick off the draw
Halifax Potholes!

There's a new website to check out featuring the HRM's most notorious, wheel-bending, frame-busting potholes. Check it out and make sure you tell us where your worst pothole nightmare resides.
Bust A Move Halifax 2010
$1,143,169.11 is the Grand Total of money raised during Bust a Move For Breast Health over the weekend, it was the first annual event and it was a huge success. Congratulations to all the organizers, volunteers and participants! Here's a look at one of the many moments.
Lady Gaga's Grammy Performance

You don't want to be the only person at work who didn't see Lady Gag and Elton John open last night's Grammy Awards. Watch it here.
Gaga at the Grammys
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