Friday, July 29, 2011

Natal Day Parade Happens Monday

This is what the Natal Day Parade looked like in 1918. The 2011 version starts on Novalee Drive in Halifax at 10 am Monday. The parade winds its way across the bridge to Dartmouth, ending at Sullivan's Pond. Have a great long weekend!

Here's a photo for the 9th season of "Two and A Half Men,"! Ashton has taken Charlie's spot, I guess it's a sure thing!

Exactly how Ashton will be worked into "Two and A Half Men" is still a mystery, but that curiosity pretty much guarantees unbelievable ratings for the September 19th premiere since everyone is dying to know who he will play. And how the show plans to explain away Charlie!

"Ides of March" is a political drama starring GEORGE CLOONEY as a presidential candidate and RYAN GOSLING as his chief aide.

George directed . . . and it also stars Marisa Tomei, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti and Evan Rachel Wood. It hits theaters October 7th.

Brad meets a Hockey "Great"!

Brad takes a pic with the NHL’s greatest defenseman of ALL time, Bobby Orr, who is in town for the Chevrolet Safe and Fun Hockey Program.

To hear Bobby’s thoughts on the state of the game today, and just what it’s like to be a Canadian icon, click below for the full interview

Click here to find the fully Bobby Orr interview

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Julia Roberts advertisement pulled in Britain!

A Lancôme print ad featuring Julia Roberts has been banned in Britain after MP Jo Swinson filed a complaint with U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority, calling it “misleading” because “the flawless skin in the image was the result of digital manipulation, not the product.”

the ASA upheld Swinson’s complaint, stating the ad was “not representative of the results the products could achieve” because it had been airbrushed.

“Excessive airbrushing and digital manipulation techniques have become the norm, but both Christy Turlington and Julia Roberts are naturally beautiful women who don’t need retouching to look great.”

A Maybelline campaign featuring Christy Turlington was also pulled.

A new trailer for Happy Feet 2!

Too cute not to share....

Take a look at this very cool movie poster!!

The drama, which stars George Clooney and Ryan Gosling, follows an idealistic staffer on a presidential campaign as he learns firsthand just how dirty politics can be.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wax figures of George Clooney and Brad Pitt that the Musee Grevin in Paris unveiled yesterday.

Martha Stewart will turn 70 this weekend, do you think she looks 70?

Valentine's Day director Garry Marshall is back with another star-studded ensemble movie, New Year's Eve.

The film centers on the intertwined lives of several couples and singles in New York on the last night of the year.

New Year's Eve is set for a Dec. 9 release.

STEVE CARELL'S new movie "Crazy, Stupid Love" comes out this Friday.

To promote it, there's a new parody on where he yells at the studio executives for not making his head big enough on the poster.

His agent says it's in his contract that Steve's head has to be at least 20% bigger than anyone else's. But he literally just wants his HEAD to be bigger . . . not the rest of his body.

Is Jennifer Garner hiding a baby bump?

There have been rumors lately that JENNIFER GARNER is pregnant again . . . and she's been denying them. But some pictures popped up yesterday that make it look like she MIGHT have a little extra around her middle.

Jennifer and Ben Affleck have two daughters . . . 5-year-old Violet and 2-year-old Seraphina.

By the way, the photo we published yesterday of Ben with Justin Bieber hair, it's only that way for a new movie roll.


American freestyle skier Jeret "Speedy" Peterson, who won a silver medal at the 2010 Vancounver Olympics, was found dead Monday night in a remote Utah canyon after committing suicide.

Peterson was a colorful athlete known for his signature "Hurricane" maneuver, a triple-twisting, double-flipping trick. But he also had problems with depression, as well as with alcohol, and had admitted to thoughts of suicide. His troubles stemmed from childhood, during which he was sexually abused and lost his five-year-old sister to a drunk driver.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Josh Duhamel on All My Children.

Josh Duhamel, approached All My Children about reprising his role as con artist Leo du Pres on the show before its storied run on ABC ends Sept. 23.

Duhamel’s character supposedly died in 2003. Before his “passing,” he was paired with Rebecca Budig’s Greenlee (pictured here) and the two became the soap’s super couple. His scenes begin airing on Aug. 4.

OMG how HOT is Ben Affleck!!! Even with Justin Bieber hair!

This dog loves to swim but doesn't know how!

Fabio, the new Old Spice Guy is challenging the old, Old Spice guy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Feeling Hungry?

All this week, the Breakfast Club give away tickets at 8:15 on the Wheel Of Games for this great event!
Event details here.

Erin Poirier is running across The Gambia.

Love4Gambia is Erin Poirier's 430km running expedition all the way across the country of The Gambia in West Africa to keep kids alive through HIV education

Erin, is having a blast in The Gambia - she's still writing and updating the blog, if you have a moment please do check it out at the link below.

Erin's blog

If only she had said yes, yes, yes! Amy Winehouse dead at 27 years of age. So sad.

Sean Kingston is back to work!

Katy Perry is blonde!

Here she is at the premier of "The Smurfs".

two young boys Wii dancing to "Hey Ya"!

This video of two boys Wii dancing to "Hey Ya" was posted on Friday and already has almost 2 million views!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Coffee talk...

In a city known more for clogged expressways and crowded beaches than it is for its pedestrians, designer Julie Kim is determined to challenge the public perception that no one takes public transit in L.A.
She placed a coffee table at a bus stop on a busy Koreatown corner, and secretly shot footage of people's reactions to the table, topped with a newspaper and vase of flowers. After only 8 minutes of filming, Kim was surprised at the response to her table - people engaging with each other!!

(The Breakfast Club)

This is your first look at Lily Collins as Snow White in the yet to be titled Relativity Media film.

Lilly, daughter of Phil Collins, is delighted she's playing the fairest of them all:
"I keep saying to everyone I feel like I’m walking into a snow globe, a fairy tale, every single day. It’s so epic. I was part of a costume ball today, so you can only imagine the outfits."

And how is this Snow White different than the others?

"She’s a naive innocent young girl who turns into a woman and really finds herself. She's not a passive princess, but it’s not a cynical take on the folktale icon either. She’s very much that fairy tale princess we’ve all read about in books. She’s been modernized in a way that she becomes a fighter in the end."

The movie also stars Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen and Sean Bean as Snow White's father. It has a release date of March 16, 2012.

Katie Holmes trying to shed her "good girl" image on the cover of Spanish Vogue Magazine!

Are you excited for "The Hobbit" coming out next December? This might tide you over for a while, a video blog from director Peter Jackson.

The Teaser Trailer to "Paranormal Activity 3" Features All of the Creepiness You'd Expect!

The movie comes out in October....

I am afraid your haircut will go down as an epic FAIL Rob! What are you thinking?

Yesterday, ROBERT PATTINSON appeared on a "Twilight" panel at Comic-Con in San Diego with this hair!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

History of Rap 2 - Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake Hip Hop Medley Part II!

Here's how to get a fly ball at a baseball game even if you didn't catch it yourself!

From Rebecca Black to Rebekah Brooks: The Hit 'Friday' Stays Alive!

In honor of Rebecca Black's new single being release, Rebekah Brooks has released a parody of the hit that catapulted the young starlet to internet fame. Brooks, who is the former editor of the News of the World and was Chief Exec of News International before she resigned last week, sheds a fresh, new perspective on everybody's favorite day of the week:

What? is Fabio the new Old Spice guy??? Say it isn't so!!

Hot no matter what!

Matt Damon is in Vancouver shooting a movie right now. It's a futuristic movie called "Elysium", from Neill Blomkamp . . . the guy who made "District 9".
And apparently, for the role, Matt had to go totally BALD.

The movie also stars JODIE FOSTER and "District 9" star SHARLTO COPLEY. It's currently scheduled to come out in March of 2013.

Some people have nothing better to do with their money!

Abu Dhabi's Sheikh Haman Bin Hamde Al Nahyan ordered the name "HAMAD" to be carved into the sand so large that it can be seen from space. The name is etched into an island called Al Futaisi, which he owns. "HAMAD" is carved two miles across and half a mile wide. The first two letters, and part of the third, are now waterways. The 63-year-old Sheikh is a member of the Abu Dhabi ruling family and his fortune is only second to King.

CHECK IT OUT: Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man:

A love song for a bag of chips?

Bruno Mars and his right-hand man, Phil, sang a love song to a bag of sour cream and onion Pop Chips. Bruno is currently on the road and Pop Chips is sponsoring his national concert tour.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So many applications have come in from gay and lesbian couples who want to get married in New York City this Sunday (July 24th), the first day that it will be legal after the state approved gay marriage last month, that the city is conducting a lottery for who can marry on that day. Mayor Mike Bloomberg said that's the fairest way to decide, since too many applications have come in for ceremonies on that day. Couples can register in the lottery until noon on Thursday (July 21st) if they want to get married Sunday at any of the five city clerk's offices, and winners will be chosen at random.

Check out the latest video from Andrew M.

Andrew is from Halifax. He's 15 and has been recording covers and posting them on youtube for a while now. He auditioned for YTV's The Next Star but we can't tell you just yet how that went for him. We think he's a great young talent. Have a look for yourself.

Yes I know another flash mob but it's so good and it has a great message.

I wonder if Canadians would be as honest!! Of course we would!

Now, Celebrities are Making Videos Asking Marines Out:

In the past week, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE and MILA KUNIS both accepted invitations from Marines who made YouTube videos inviting them to their Marine Corps Balls. BETTY WHITE turned down a third Marine because of scheduling.

And now, things have done a full 180 . . . as the first CELEBRITY has made a video asking a Marine to ask her to the Ball...check out Linda Hamilton.

Here's what not to do while skate boarding!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2 1/2 Men Naked!

Two and a Half Men launched a new teaser campaign that shows Jon Cryer, Angus T. Jones and Ashton Kutcher seemingly naked holding up a their launch date.


Crickets anyone??

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's boys have apparently acquired a taste for some creepy crawlers, Angelina talks about how much they enjoy these exotic treats..

(The Breakfast Club)

Natalie Portman's hubby's new job.

Natalie Portman’s baby daddy Benjamin Millepied is gradually becoming a star in his own right.

The dancer-choreographer is the new face of Yves Saint Laurent’s men’s fragrance, “L’Homme Libre” (French for “the free man”).

Rebecca Black's new song.

A Cirque du Soleil performance before the ball game.

The Tampa Bay Rays had a Cirque du Soleil JUGGLER fire out the first pitch at a recent ball game.

The Dark Knight Rises Full Teaser Trailer 2011.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Feeling Good!!

Seniors at the Clark Retirement Community in Grand Rapids, Michigan do their version of Michael Buble's "Feelin' Good".
The video was directed by recent Grand Valley State University graduate Alan Ledford and shot by a crew of more than 20 video and audio production students...and it apparently only took one shot!!


Beckham baby pics

David & Victoria Beckham just released these pictures of their baby daughter, Harper Seven. The little girl arrived July 10th.


Happy Birthday Mr.Mandela!

More than 12 million schoolchildren across South Africa sang ``Happy Birthday'' to Nelson Mandela before classes began today.
The former president, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his war against apartheid, is 93.
Mandela now makes rare public appearances and spent a few days in hospital earlier this year with an acute respiratory infection.


Casey Anthony is Now a Free Woman

CASEY ANTHONY is a free woman: She left the Orange County jail in Florida a little after midnight on Saturday night (--technically, 12:09 A.M. Sunday morning). She left with her lawyer, and was escorted out by two heavily-armed cops.
Not surprisingly, there was a pretty vocal anti-Casey demonstration of about 300 people waiting for her, and a ton of reporters. But she got into an SUV without making a statement, and headed to her attorney's office in Orlando.It was 12 days ago when she was convicted of lying to the cops during the investigation into her daughter Caylee's murder. Remember, she was sentenced to four years, but with time served and good behavior she's out now.

According to "People" magazine, she's considering a career in . . . the law.

According to Ann Finnell, one of Casey's lawyers, quote, "She's been exposed to the criminal justice system and I think that might be a pursuit of hers. Whether it's a paralegal or an advocate for social justice issues, I don't know."

Here's a news report on her release.

Betty White Now Has An Invite to the Marine Ball

Now that asking celebrities to Marine Corp Balls has become a "thing," a third Marine has gotten in on it. Sergeant Ray Lewis posted a YouTube video on Friday asking out Betty White. No word from her yet from Betty White.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Michael & Shania teaming up

All Michael Buble wants for Christmas is Shania Twain and it looks like his holiday wish has already been granted.
Buble says he's working on a Christmas album and has already recorded a duet with Twain.
Michael says they've recorded a bouncy version of `White Christmas.'
Buble says he's also recorded versions of `Blue Christmas,' Mariah Carey's `All I Want For Christmas is You' and a new original holiday track.
He also says he thinks the Christmas release is ``probably the best album'' of his career.


We are all connected...

This is the latest commercial from the World Wildlife Fund. The Fund is celebrating it's 50th anniversary.

An Honesty Experiment-What would you do?

Honesty experiment from National Australia Bank

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Glee stars leaving

`Glee' co-creator Ryan Murphy has confirmed that the upcoming season of the high-school musical will be the last for Canadian actor Cory Monteith and several of his high-profile co-stars.
Lea Michele, Chris Colfer and other cast members will ``graduate'' after the third season of the hit Fox show, Murphy told the Hollywood Reporter in an interview published this week.
Murphy told the magazine that he wanted to be ``true to life'' and not keep his lead characters in high-school for the sake of the show.


No no's for the office!!

A new survey suggests if you want to dress for success, don't wear flip-flops to work.
The employment services firm Adecco says flip-flops are the number one ``no-no'' in summer office attire.
The second most offensive item for workwear was the miniskirt, followed by strapless tops and dresses.



Kate Hudson and fiancé Matthew Bellamy have chosen a name for their newborn son — and it’s Bingham Hawn Bellamy, nicknamed Bing.
“So happy! Just had a baby boy, Bingham “Bing” Hawn Bellamy. Born 7lb 12oz, on 9th July,” Muse frontman Bellamy Tweeted today.
“Mum and baby are strong and healthy. Mum was a warrior, Bing popped out after 4.5 hours of intense pushing!”

Baby Bing joins big brother Ryder Russell, from Hudson’s marriage to rocker Chris Robinson.


The Adventures of Tintin

Okay,this looks awesome. From director Steven Spielberg and producer Peter Jackson, The Adventures of Tintin. It will be in theatres in December. The actor who plays Tintin is Jaimie Bell. You might remember him as the kid from Billy Elliot.

USS Eagle Sails Into Our Harbour Tomorrow

Join the Breakfast Club tomorrow morning as we welcome the USS Eagle. The United States Coast Guard training ship sails into port tomorrow morning and C100's Deb Smith will be on board to help welcome the Eagle to Halifax.

The Full Plotlines of the First 7 "Harry Potter" Movies . . . in 7 Minutes

Do you need a Harry Potter recap. Perhaps you've forgotten what happened in movies one through seven. Well, here you go. The guys who do the YouTube series called "Kids React" have a new video where the two of them run through the full plot lines of the first seven "Harry Potter" movies. And they do it in seven minutes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Justin's turn to date a Marine!

Mila Kunis may not be the only celebrity heading to the Marine Corps Ball.
After encouraging his Friends With Benefits costar to accompany Marine Sgt. Scott Moore to the ball upon his video request, Justin Timberlake has received his own invitation!!
Kelsey De Santis, a Quantico, Va.-based Marine, posted her own video asking the actor and singer to the Marine Corps Ball in Washington, D.C.
No word yet on whether Justin will accept....De Santis joked in the video, "If you can’t go, all I can say is, cry me a river!!
C'mon Justin, it's your duty, isn't it??


X Factor Teaser!

It's a hit! Or at least it's going to be. A two-minute preview for SIMON COWELL'S new "X Factor" show aired during the baseball All-Star Game last night. It teases the notion that this time it is NOT about the judges . . . but that turns out to be a nightmare, and we find out it WILL be all about Simon again. As he says at the end of the promo, quote, "What else did you expect?"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Unhappy little monsters..

Some of Lady Gaga's Little Monsters aren't happy with Katy Perry right now, voicing opposition to an image Katy recently posted, showing Katy posing as a mermaid under a bridge. Gaga's Edge of Glory video was going to feature her as a mermaid - under a bridge, and the Little Monsters feel Katy has stolen the idea from their Lady! oh my!


Mila has a date with a Marine

Thanks to the power of the Internet, a Marine's YouTube request to go on a date with Mila Kunis got through to the actress.
In a recent interview, she was asked whether she knew about Sgt. Scott Moore's video asking her to accompany him to the Marine Corps Ball in Greenville, North Carolina, in November.
She reacted with surprise and asked for details about the event. Her ``Friends With Benefits'' co-star, Justin Timberlake, convinced her to fulfil her patriotic duties, and Kunis said she was going to make this happen.


Harry Potter Meets Rebecca Black. You're Welcome.

And Now . . . Babies Cracking Up as They Get Sprayed in the Face With Water

Videos of babies laughing are pretty common on YouTube, and, we admit it, we're suckers for them. There's a new one where a mom keeps spraying mist in the faces of a baby girl and a baby boy, and they crack up hysterically each time. About halfway through she starts spraying both of them at the same time, and they laugh even harder. Enjoy!

Monday, July 11, 2011

James says it was bad writing!!

James Franco, who didn't fare so well as co-host of the 2011 Oscars, says in an upcoming interview he felt "trapped" by humourless writing and lame sketches at the Academy Awards. He co-hosted with the very energetic Anne Hathaway, who appeared to try to coax bored-looking Franco into a more lively performance.
In the upcoming issue of Playboy magazine, Franco admits he didn't like the sketches he was given and felt the jokes were going to fall flat.
"I felt kind of trapped in that material. I felt, 'This is not my boat. I'm just a passenger, but I'm going down and there's no way out.'"


In a hurry...

Dan Aykroyd was all revved up on the weekend...He was pulled over Sunday for speeding on his way to the Honda Indy Toronto!!
Aykroyd, who was the grand marshal of this year’s Honda Indy Toronto, said he was “racing to the race.”
He said the officer let him off with a warning.


Royals in Hollywood

The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge met up with some Hollywood A-listers on the weekend, at the BAFTA Brits to Watch, hosted by BAFTA President, Prince William. Here are some of the styles of the night, including Kate's gown.

(The Breakfast Club)

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE did a HI-larious video to promote ESPN'S "ESPY Awards" . . . which air Wednesday night.

It's a little long, but it's funny.
It's him failing at numerous college sports.

A Marine in Afghanistan is Trying to Get Mila Kunis to Attend the Marine Corps Ball with Him!

Now this is inspirational, some people never give up!

Psycho kitten!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Can I get a yee haw!!!

The wildly-popular royal tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is nearing an end.
The couple are going to their final events after launching the Calgary Stampede with the parade this morning.
They're going to make a stop at the Calgary zoo as well as reception with Alberta government officials before a farewell ceremony at Rotary Challenger Park.
Prince William and Kate will then be heading to California for a two-day visit.


The Royals really rocked those cowboy hats huh?

Jennifer's beau cleans up!

Jennifer Aniston’s hands and feet were immortalized yesteray outside of the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, and boyfriend Justin Theroux cleaned up for special ceremony.

Theroux, who often sports a thick beard, shaved off his bushy facial hair for the occasion.

The actor-writer even slicked back his hair and put on a tie for Aniston’s big day.

What do you think of Theroux’s new clean-cut look?