Singer, Songwriter & Matchbox 20 frontman Rob Thomas took to the HuffingtonPost.com to share his thoughts on California Prop 8..... he presents a compelling argument read for yourself by clicking HERE.
So, I was flipping through the TV and hit the brakes on Cpac to oggle this bit of eye-candy. Can't say that the words 'senator' and 'hot' are ones I've ever heard together in the world of Canadian politics. But like most gals of my, er, age I'm busy (it's hard to juggle it all, am I right ladies?!). So, occasionally I miss stuff, like the appointment of Patrick Brazeau to the Senate.
While gazing at the man, I did note there was a point to his presence (other than adding a much needed hotness factor), Senator Brazeau was speaking at the Senate Committee on Human Rights.
His professional career certainly makes for an interesting read.....get the wiki-version here.
But, seriously...makes ya wanna watch cpac, right?!