Donna Simpson of Old Bridge, New Jersey weighs just over 600 pounds. But in the next two years, she hopes to reach 1,000 pounds, in order to become THE WORLD'S FATTEST WOMAN.
That's right, Donna WANTS to become the world's heaviest woman. And she's stuffing her face with 12,000 calories day . . . which is only slightly less than the average person would consume in an entire week . . . to make sure she gets there.

thats gross and unhealthy!
how gross and unhealthy
What a stupid idea!!
I don't understand why anyone would want to be that size! Having struggled with my weight since my children I complain about 20 lbs to lose. I cannot imagine how she will be able to take care of her hygeine when she reaches that size, there will be places she wont' be able to reach. I cannot imagine nor would I want too!
What a shame for her. To care so little about herself. Unfortunately for her she will probably take a heart attack and die before reaching her goal. Sad that a person would have so much self hatred to throw you life away like that. I hope she is not one of those really heavy people who get angry when you do a double take when you see them, and not because you are judging them or turning your nose up at them, it is just because they are noticable. Being overweight myself, and struggling daily to get weight off, I just see leg and back pain when I see heavy people.
That is absolutely disgusting. Why anyone in their normal mind would want to slowly kill themselves with fat and blubber devouring their insides is beyond me. Hey, while she's at it, she should see if she can become the woman that smokes the most cigarettes in the run of a day.....that would be brilliant!!
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