On Toddler's & Tiaras, the moms tend to go a little crazy. But one mom went above and beyond the usual nutty by dressing her 3-year-old as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. And not the Pretty Woman in the polka dot dress -- the Pretty Woman walking the streets. Pretty toddler ... walking down the street ... is anyone else shuddering?
OMG - how disgusting! SOOOOOO much wrong with this picture, that show, and teh people who promote it from the network to the pageant organisers and parents. These kids would be better of if their parents put the THOUSANDS of dollars spent on this crap into sports, toddler gymnastics, etc..
I listened to people calling in this morning complaining that you should be ashamed to put this picture on the radio. The thing is they need to understand, if people don't see this picture how are they suppose to complain and get the show thrown off the air. I think you are doing the right thing, it may be because of you and your audience that this show gets terminated. These parents think they are preparing their children for Miss USA or Miss CDN, when they could be preparing them for Miss Street lady of the year. I have watched this show a few times, more than antyhing it's because I am amazed to see how the parents treat their children and get away with it, this is not only a Pageant but abuse. They already treat their children like they are legal age and ready for the street. If anybody should be ashamed it's the parents of these innocent children, they should be ashamed promoting their children and for more than anything-money. These children are like this because of the parents, they are getting away withbossing their parents around, wait till they get at their teenage years. For a parent to dress their child like this doesn't say much for the parent. Hope you win this fight and get this show off the air.
I think this is totally wrong! While I agree that we show pictures that are not always pleasant to look at in the news, the news is reporting a fact, it is not promoting and encouraging the exploitation of a person or persons who really have no voice or authority to prevent it from happening to them! Come on Brad and Peter...have you ever watched one of these programs??? The parents of the children force these poor children to do things that the children really don't want to do. And then to paint and dress them up in some of those disqusting outfits! We are supposted to be protecting children, NOT exploiting them. These shows, and putting these pictures online are not the same as the news. The news is to notify and educate the public...pictures such as this one only encourage the exploitation of children!
I think this show is a disgrace, and should be not allowed to air. Let them be children,let them go ride bikes, bump their heads and make mud pies etc. I think their mothers are living their lives through their kids because they were not pretty enough to win their own pagents.
TLC-is that not the learning channel?My 20 yr old and I have watched it-like Peter said its like watching a train wreck.Not only are these moms exploiting these kids they are are encouraging negative behaviors.Most of these girls are little divas hitting and yelling at their moms.one mom went so far as to tell her daughter she was a super star and had picture signings for her and other little girls got their pictures take with her.not are they winning pageants, now they are getting national exposure on TLC.They are being taught beauty matters over all they cry when they lose,(so do the moms)so what happens to them when they grow up not to be so beautiful or get out in the real world of preschool and they are not the center of the universe.I cannot believe this is real,what a grim future our society has if this is acceptable, let kids be kids, one of mt daughters took modeling at age 16 where she went it focused on teaching girls how to be young ladies,poise and manners were the focus ,not fake boobs and big hairs,and she has grown to be a lovely caring young lady.
I am more concerned about the pictures that people post on Facebook of their children. I watched a documentary on how they catch these pedophiles and they showed the pictures that they had found and it wasn't this kind of stuff it was mostly everyday pics like I see on facebook all the time. Maybe you could talk to the professionals that catch these people and ask them if this it the type of things they go for. I doubt it but it could be wrong. Mind you I have watched this show as well and was surprised that there was no audience, just the parents watching. But what was this girls parents thinking dressing their daughter like a hooker. Just my 2 cents.
The first time i saw this show, unfortunetly my 6 year old daughter was watching with me. I was so upset not just because of the show itself but because some of these kids dont even want to do this!! Its those parents who want it more then the kids!! I feel sad for these kids!! meanwhile my daughter says mom please dont put me in that!!!!! It breaks my heart everytime i see it in my tv guide!!
It is an unfortunate reality that as humans, many of us are spurred into action or rise up against atrocities mostly because of what we see, not necessarily what we hear. This day in age, we are bombarded with information on TV, the net, magazines, etc. Sometimes we need those disturbing images. A picture says a thousand words. The children of today and tomorrow will learn about the horrors of Rwanda and the Holocaust by reading as well as the images, but the images are generally the things that leave that lasting effect, that impact that photo journalists have captured that tell the story in ways text cannot. So, whereas these pictures of exploited children are not telling the story of genocide, they are showing the world just how crazy these parents are to do this to their children (and mostly for selfish reasons. The good of posting this picture far outweighs the bad. Keep it up. Put it onthe evening news. The more people see this, the better chance we have of stopping these people from treating their little girls like "Hooker Barbie".
I have watched this show a few times and the first few were very mild but it seems that as it continues to be aired it just keeps getting worse. I think that this is a type of brain washing on these kids. It is putting the wrong imaging of women in there heads and out to the public, not only little girls but little boys too. And it is not only the Mothers, the Fathers are just as bad if not worse. I saw one last night that dress a 4 year old up as Dolly Parton boobs, bum padding and all, discusting.....take it off the air.
That is wrong on so many levels. I will never understand the fasination with beuty pagents and why people exploit their children this way. That is totally inappropriate and could be called child abuse. Let children be children as long as they can. Life is already too outrages.
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