Not because she's vain, but because she doesn't like the message that's sent to women when somebody like Miley . . . who's NOT fat . . . gets called fat.
She posted this photo and this comment on Twitter:
By calling girls like me fat this is what you're doing to other people. i love MYSELF & if you could say the same you wouldn't be sitting on your computer trying to hurt others.

Then she posted this photo of MARILYN MONROE . . . who was NOT a thin girl . . . with a caption that read, quote, "Proof that you can be adored by thousands of men even when your thighs touch."

Reading this made me tear up. I have been called "fat" all my life (and lots of other things). Tortured all through school and even now as an adult I dont go easily into social situations. People dont realize what they do with their hurtful words. Please put yourself into the shoes of the person you are about to make fun of...imagine what it would feel like to live in shame and fear because you dont know when the next attack from a bully will come. Words hurt as much as hitting...actually even more so. The bruises fron hitting heal but the scars from verbal bullying stay forever.
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