Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Alec Baldwin Was Kicked Off an Airplane . . . For Playing "Words With Friends".

ALEC BALDWIN boarded an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York City yesterday afternoon . . . but got booted from the plane before takeoff. Why? Because he was playing "WORDS WITH FRIENDS". (???)

Words With Friends is basically Scrabble for your smart phone. You can play it with people you know or hook up with random opponents.

Airline passengers are required to turn off all electronic devices during takeoff and landing. But since the plane hadn't even begun taxiing yet, Alec thought it was cool to keep playing. He was wrong.

American doesn't want to lose Alec's business. The airline already Tweeted that they're looking into the incident, and they want him to give them his side of the story.

And the company that makes Words With Friends released a graphic of the game, with the words "Let Alec Play" in crossword-style. (--You can see it here.)

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