Thursday, August 28, 2008

Swap a Chore

Take a minute to answer our question of the day, "What is your least favourite household chore?" Then, after you've done that, tell us what chore you would like to swap with your spouse. What chore would you be willing to pick up in return?


Anonymous said...

I would swap dusting for mowing the lawn

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy doing laundry, I would do laundry any day.

anonymous said...

My husband has never, in 14 years of marriage, cleaned the bathroom... NEVER, because he says it makes him sick! I don't like doing it either, but I use it as my "trump card" ie. You can either clean the bathroom or clean out the composter. or You can either clean the bathroom or clean the dog crap off the lawn (that's my personal favorite!!).