Wednesday, June 2, 2010

TEN SIGNS YOU'RE OUT OF TOUCH WITH TECHNOLOGY: has a list of the top ten signs you're out of touch with technology. Some are legit, but don't feel bad if you fit into a few of these categories. It might just mean you're not a total technology dork . . .

#10.) YOUR TERMINOLOGY IS OUT OF DATE. People don't really say things like "information superhighway" anymore. And you don't "surf the web" or look something up on "the Net." You "go online," or "Google it."

#9.) YOU LIVE IN NORTH KOREA. They have their own version of the Internet, and their own operating system called "Red Star OS." And they're about 10 years out of date. But if you live in North Korea, that's probably the least of your problems.

#8.) YOU STILL HAVE A VCR. This one's like having an eight-track player in your car in the late '80s. The difference is, people still have old home movies recorded on video, so VCRs are actually still useful now and then.

#7.) YOU STILL HAVE A LANDLINE. It's true: A lot of people THINK having a home phone line is a dated concept. But landlines generally do sound better, you don't have to worry about dropping calls, and the international rates are WAY better.

#6.) YOU HAVE A "CELL PHONE," NOT A "SMART PHONE." According to, if you still have a regular old flip phone, you're living in the past.

--But not everybody NEEDS to access email and the Internet on their phone. And if you don't NEED to, then you shouldn't spend the extra money on a data plan.

#5.) YOU STILL USE A DESKTOP COMPUTER. Laptops are more expensive, but you can take them anywhere, and you don't have to clear out an entire corner of a room to set one up. And now that the iPad's out, the desktop seems even MORE ancient.

#4.) YOU DON'T USE WIRELESS INTERNET. If you're still plugging a giant cable straight into your computer to get online, invest in a wireless router.

--Once you've got one, you can access the Internet wirelessly from anywhere in your house or apartment. And most laptops have wireless cards built into them now.

#3.) YOU STILL LISTEN TO CD'S. Here's another one that's not quite fair. Most people still have a CD player in their car, not an MP3 player. So it makes sense to hang onto your collection.

--And if you know what to listen for, CDs actually sound BETTER than MP3s.

#2.) YOU DON'T USE TIVO OR DVR. There's no need to rush home before your favorite show starts anymore. You can just set it to automatically record. Plus, you can fast forward through the commercials.

#1.) YOU STILL HAVE AN AOL EMAIL ADDRESS. According to, AOL is out, and Gmail is now the coolest email option.


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