Monday, December 6, 2010

My Wife Always Talks to Me When I'm Using the Bathroom

Here's a letter that was in our in-box this morning. Let's help out Denny.

Dear Brad, Peter and Moya

I've been with my wife for 15 years, and we've reached a level of intimacy that very few couples have. I can talk to her about anything, and there's nothing that the two of us hide from each other. There's a problem with our level of comfort, though. Whenever I'm using the bathroom, she always wants to have lengthy conversations with me. Doesn't my wife know that what I'm doing in the bathroom requires some peace and quiet? Why does she want to talk to me when I'm in the bathroom? Do other couples carry on conversations this way? Is it gross?

By the way, she knows I've written to you. In fact, she suggested it.

A faithful listener,


Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I found this hilarious because he says I do the same thing. But what he doesn’t realize is the reasoning behind the bathroom see it is an opportune time to confront him about things he has been avoiding or something I have been nagging him to do. So no I don’t think it is gross and it really seems like sometimes in order to get men to really listen they must be trapped or on the toilet….

Anonymous said...

Some time is NOT meant to be shared. Besides, who wants to talk to someone who is grunting out a poop????? I will wait out the poop before needing to talk thanks. The only thing I am saying to my spouse is "use the just a drop and turn on the fan"....