Over the weekend we asked if you would be voting in the Municipal Election.
76% of C100 listeners said they would be voting, that number is much higher than the actual number of people who went to the polls in the HRM. Only 37% of eligible voters in the HRM went to the polls to cast a vote.
It is unfortunate the turnout for the municipal and federal elections was so low this year. I believe that many of us, including myself, are very ignorant of what our elected representatives can and should do for us.
This year, was a great learning experience for me. I had a colleague run for council. Through his efforts I learned of public upset and support of the current council, issues that have and have not been addressed, and on-going community concerns and projects. I leaned that candidates who don't currently hold a position invest their own money (or that which they raise) in support of their campaign because of their desire and drive to improve the community (a cost of approximately $4 000 - $5 000) . I attended campaign meetings and learned that those involved in the community for one issue, are typically the same people involved in others. People with a genuine desire to make a positive difference.
Through his efforts, I learned a great deal (too much to mention here). But mostly, I learned that I have a great deal more to learn about our government and that I must take a more active role in my community.
With less than a 40% voter turnout, I see that I'm not the alone with this.
It would appear that 76% of CI00 listeners care about their communities. The percentage should be much higher!
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