Monday, July 6, 2009

Want to add 10 years to your brain's life?


• Give your BODY a workout. Studies show that people who are more physically fit perform better on mental tests – compared to people who don’t work out at all. That’s because vigorous workouts help pump more blood to the brain, which brings more oxygen to the cerebral cortex.

• Raid your spice rack. A study published in the Journal of Neurochemistry identified seven so-called “mind spices” . Those spices are cinnamon, turmeric, basil, oregano, thyme, sage, and rosemary. In fact, an acid found in rosemary alone has been shown to reduce stroke risk in mice by 40%. So five times a day, sprinkle a teaspoon of one of these spices into your coffee, tea or food.

• Eat more fish. One-third of your brain is made of those same fatty acids found in fish! They’re loaded with omega-3s which help lubricate brain tissue, and help nerve cells communicate with one another faster.

• Have more conversations. A new University of Michigan study found that people who talked for 10 minutes before a test performed better than those who kept quiet. Social interaction helps sharpen brain function - because you’re constantly trying to process new information while gauging other people’s responses! So a quick trip to the water-cooler might be the perfect way to warm-up your brain before diving into your next budget report.

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