Sunday, April 25, 2010

Just Let Me Lie Down

Actually, I hope all my working mom besties don't read this post because I am SO getting each of them this book! Published earlier this month, 'Just Let Me Lie Down' by Kristin van Ogtrop (editor of Real Simple magazine) is a freakin' delightfully funny, wise and identifiable read!!! Van Ogtrop has successfully created an A to Z litany of terms which define the experiences, moments and emotions of us: today's working mom...

'Full Hard Drive'- The state you've reached when you can't take in any more information, so when your husband tells you that one of his sports activities has changed from Wednesday morning to Wednesday night, you will simply never, ever remember this because there is no room to store it. You can try to delete other items, but it's too late. ' -excerpt from 'Just Let Me Lie Down' Kristin van Ogtrop

I picked up my copy at Shoppers, but you can order yours right now from Chapters

Kristin van Ogtrop's blog is HERE.

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