Monday, September 8, 2008

A Complaint Free World!

Here's an email we received recently. We're giving it a try. If you decide to do the same, let us know how it goes.

Good morning!

I just wanted to let you guys know about this fantastic idea a man in the States had. He has started a complaint-free movement. It is a very simple idea with a very simple solution. You wear a bracelet and every time you catch yourself complaining, gossiping, or criticizing, you switch it to the other wrist. This includes talking, emailing, muttering under your breath, etc. The only thing that is 'free' is thinking the complaint, gossip, and critism. The goal is to go 21 days IN A ROW without complaining, gossiping, or criticizing. He says it takes an average of 4-8 months to go the 21 days. I've been doing it now for two weeks and it is amazing how it has started to change my thinking. I rarely try to 'one-up' people with my complaints, and I tend to catch myself before the complaint comes out of my mouth. I haven't made it one complete day yet without complaining, but I complain a lot less than I used to.

Check out his website (I've included it at the top of this email) for more info on it. You don't have to buy the book or the bracelets, just watch the videos about it and find something that you can move from wrist to wrist, or pocket to pocket, or whatever. He is hoping to have the day before Thanksgiving designated as a national complaint-free day in the States, and I think it would be fitting if we could try to get that going here.

An avid listener - love you guys! You make my mornings.

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