Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Germs are everywhere!!!

The world around us is filled with germs. And taking certain precautions doesn't make you a germaphobe . . . it keeps you healthy. Here are five things you come in contact with in everyday life that are absolute cesspools for bacteria and viruses . . .
#1.) PUBLIC MAGAZINES. If you read one in a doctor's office or a public library, wash or sanitize your hands immediately after you're done. Cold and flu viruses can survive on dry surfaces for up to 48 hours, and bacteria like E. coli can survive for months.
#2.) KEYBOARDS. In fact, a SHARED keyboard at your office or in your home can have up to 5 times as many germs as your TOILET SEAT. And it's a prime spot for the cold and flu viruses to wait for a new victim.
#3.) THE GYM. The cold virus is on 73% of weight-lifting equipment and 51% of aerobic equipment like treadmills. So, if you're hitting the gym to stay HEALTHY this winter, make sure you shower or at least wash your hands with soap when you're done.
#4.) SHOPPING CARTS. A 2006 study found that two-thirds of shopping cart handles are contaminated with FECAL bacteria. The main culprit? Babies with diapers. Shopping carts are excellent transmitters of diarrhea and other potential illnesses for kids and adults.

--A lot of stores are now offering free sanitary wipes, but carrying your own won't hurt. And make sure you ALWAYS wash unpackaged foods like fruits and vegetables
#5.) TRANSIT POLES. Due to the sheer number of people who touch them, they're a major health hazard. Some might start installing poles made out of bacteria-resistant materials, but in the meantime, wash your hands when you get home . . . or get the flu.



Anonymous said...

Just a note on Peter's tip about putting your sponge in the microwave to kill bacteria.....tried it..it started to smoke....maybe not the safest idea.

Karen said...

Canadian washrooms are very unsanitary compared to those in the US. In the US they have seat covers and hands free water, soap and towels. It would be nice to see some of this come our way.