Monday, January 12, 2009

Women's Sex Life Survey

SEXY: A sex survey done last year by Chatelaine magazine asked 4,000 Canadian women about their sex lives… it’s the most comprehensive sex survey ever done in Canada…..some of the findings from that survey:

-80% of the women surveyed were in monogamous relationships and the rest were single…

-25% said that despite being happy with their current lover in the past they have had a better lover

-33% deal with a hectic lifestyle by scheduling sex dates….

-almost half of the women have sex every week while 29% couldn’t remember the last time

-91% had sex before they were married

-50% of women admit their body image interferes with sex….

-25% say they routinely fake orgasms

-the majority of women when asked to rank their bodies on a scale of 1 to 10 gave themselves a six….the higher a woman ranked herself the more likely she was to say she enjoyed sex…

-53% want more sex than they get…..

-22% say they have sworn off sex in the past

-22% never pleasure themselves….29% do it less than once a month

-38% own a sex toy…

-81% have never had cybersex….

-over 25% said being in love is everything when it comes to having great sex

-42% of French Canadian women say they initiate sex while only 32% of English Canadian women do…

-72% of French Canadian women report almost always having an orgasm during sex while only 57% of English Canadian women claimed that

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