Friday, July 4, 2008

Happiness Poll

Yesterday, we asked you to rate your happiness on a scale of 1 to 10. Thirty-three percent gave themselves a rating of 8. Twenty percent said they were a 7 on the happiness scale. Seven percent said they rated a 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would rate my happiness as a 7. Iam very happy with my own personal life; but, the state of our Province, Country and the world in general brings my happiness level down. Some of the things that take a toll on my happiness are:
The war in Iraq...The Afghanistan War...Cost of living in Canada (taxes, housing costs, insurance rates,and of course the pathetic gas prices etc)... lack of proper medical care ( very long waits for MRI's, specialist appointments and high cost of drugs for the uninsured).We now have to worry about terrorism,and saving the planet earth. All these problems cause stresses in our lives. Stress makes us worry and ,thereful,we are not as happy as we should be .cheers!