Thursday, June 4, 2009


Are you guilty of any of these?

#1.) PROCRASTINATING: If you work best under pressure, that's one thing. But a LOT of people say that. And here's what they REALLY mean: "I can't be bothered to actually do anything unless my job depends on it." That attitude sucks.

--If you put everything off until the last minute, people notice, and it gets old FAST . . . even if the end result looks good. And eventually, you'll miss a deadline.

#2.) SLOPPY EMAILS: Now that email is one of the main ways people communicate at work, using small caps, a casual tone, or lame acronyms isn't "cute" . . . it's just plain sloppy. You should run a quick spell-check too . . . most email programs have the feature built-in.

--And I can't say this enough: ALWAYS double-check the recipients. One little click can mean the wrong people getting a message you didn't want them to see . . . so only use "Reply All" if you REALLY want everyone in the office to know that "Brenda's ass looks tight today."

#3.) DISSING THE BOSS: These days, bosses aren't cigar-chomping fat-cats who bark your last name when they want something. They might be younger, dressed down, and even part of the group when you grab drinks with your co-workers.

--But they're still the boss. Obviously, being on a first name basis is fine . . . if that's the rule in your office . . . but don't get TOO casual. Always remember to show respect for authority when that respect is due. 'Nuff said.

#4.) BEING TOO INFORMAL: At work, you're expected to take care of things without someone breathing down your neck . . . like showing up on time, working a full day, and dressing appropriately. Fudging things might not get you fired . . . but it DOES get noticed.

--And SMOKERS, I'm putting you on blast: If you think being a smoker gives you the right to take four or five SMOKE BREAKS a day, you are SO wrong. That's like an extra lunch break.

--Why should you get one? Because you're an addict? Plus, you stink when you come back in.

#5.) BEING A LONER: We all know it can be bad news to mix work and play too much. But if you're ALWAYS the guy who won't hang out at a work gathering? That's just weird.

--Hanging out helps build office camaraderie. Whatever you might think, it shows that you give a crap.

#6. ) RUNNING LATE: I don't think this one needs any explanation. Look, we ALL run late SOMETIMES. But if you do it all the time, you'll just look lazy . . . even if you're a rock-star WHILE you're at work. It's just one of those things.

#7. ) SAYING "THAT'S NOT MY JOB": Really? Because I'm pretty sure your JOB is to do WHATEVER THE HELL your boss ASKS you to do. Got that? If you don't think of it that way . . . then START thinking of it that way right now.

--Look, you might TECHNICALLY be right, but chances are, if someone's asking you to do something you don't USUALLY do, it means they really need your help. So, help. And you'll reap the rewards of being a clutch player sometime down the road.

#8.) ACTING LIKE YOU'RE SMARTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE: It's one thing to share your great ideas when they ARE great. But if you're always shooting other people down, you look like a jerk. So stop it. Swallow your pride, and be a team player.

#9.) TALKING SMACK: We've all heard the stories: Someone blogs about wanting to quit their job, or posts something negative about their dumb boss on Facebook . . . and it comes back to haunt them at work.

--Obviously, you're going to vent. But you have to do it in the right environment, with the right people. Here's a good rule: If you wouldn't tell EVERYONE in the office how much you hate your job . . . don't do it on the Internet either.

#10.) GETTING INVOLVED IN OFFICE POLITICS: Drama at the office is unavoidable. I have one thing to say about that: STAY OUT OF IT. You might get sucked in anyway, but play it cool. Office politics ruin people's trust, and it'll keep you from getting work done.

(CNN /

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