Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hockey Mom nominee for Tuesday, January 11th.

Mario has nominated JEAN MATTHEWS:

A single mother of two lovely children,one 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. Both kids play hockey for the Cole Harbour Wings. Jean has a full time job and yet manages to take either one of her children to a hockey practice for 6:00am,to a game pretty well every night of the week or to a hockey tournament across the Maritimes. With the little bit of the time she has left she manages to prepare all the meals, do the laundry and keep her household clean. Hockey is a big part of her and the whole family's life and always will be, and this is why we nominate Jean Matthews for the best hockey mom of the year.

Jean has now qualified to win:

Tickets for your entire team to attend a Halifax Mooseheads game

Food and beverages for the entire team from Subway

A day of relaxation at Life Salon Spa just for you!

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